The Biden administration has proposed what they call solutions and what many Republicans call constitutional violations to some of the most significant issues facing the country. However, many of these so-called solutions are simply band-aids that do not address the root causes of the problems. This approach may provide temporary relief, but it risks further dividing the country along partisan lines and failing to solve the underlying issues, not to mention violating United States citizens’ constitutional rights.

One of the most prominent examples of the administration’s band-aid approach is its proposal to ban “assault weapons” and high-capacity magazines as a solution to gun violence. While this proposal may seem like a logical solution to Democrats, it ignores being a 2nd Amendment violation as well as ignoring the root cause of the problem: mental illness and habitual criminal offenders. Many gun-related incidents involve individuals with a history of mental illness and/or criminal offenses. Instead of focusing solely on banning “assault weapons,” the administration should be prioritizing efforts to improve mental health resources and stop “revolving door justice.” This approach would help address the root cause of the problem and reduce the incidence of gun-related incidents.

Another example of the administration’s band-aid approach is its proposal to cancel student loans as an “easy fix” solution to the student debt crisis. While this proposal may provide temporary relief to those struggling with student loan debt, it ignores the root cause of the problem: the high cost of college tuition. The cost of higher education in the United States is prohibitively high for many individuals, leading to significant levels of student debt. Rather than simply canceling student loans, the administration should be focusing on reducing the cost of college tuition. This could involve measures such as capping tuition costs, promoting vocational education and apprenticeships as viable alternatives to college, and investing in public universities to make them more affordable.

The Biden administration’s approach risks further polarizing the country along partisan lines. Many conservative Republicans view the administration’s proposals as partisan solutions that fail to address the underlying issues. This is not a new issue, as both Democrats and Republicans have been guilty of proposing short-term solutions that ignore the root causes of problems. However, the Biden administration’s approach risks further exacerbating the divide between the two parties.

Moreover, the administration’s band-aid approach can have ignored consequences. For example, the proposal to raise the minimum wage may seem like a solution to the issue of income inequality. However, it ignores the root cause of the problem: the lack of well-paying jobs in the country. Rather than simply raising the minimum wage, the administration should be focusing on creating more well-paying jobs and promoting entrepreneurship. This approach would help address the root cause of the problem and provide sustainable solutions for income inequality.

The Biden administration’s proposals may provide temporary relief to some of the most pressing issues facing the country, but they risk further dividing the country and failing to address the underlying issues as well as violating the constitutional rights of the people. To truly solve these problems, the administration should be prioritizing efforts to address the root causes of problems in a way that benefits all Americans. This approach involves investing in mental health resources, harsher sentences on repeat criminal offenders, reducing the cost of college tuition, and promoting entrepreneurship to create well-paying jobs. By taking these steps, the administration can provide sustainable solutions to the most significant issues facing the country.

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