Durango, Colorado

This past weekend I finally made a trip to Durango, Colorado.  My Mom has been raving about The Durango & Silverton Narrow Gauge Railroad for years.  She has been on a few rides over the last couple of decades and has been insisting that I check it out.  So, I finally set aside the time and made the trip.  

Everyone I know was surprised to hear that I took the Cascade Canyon Winter Train.  Many have assumed this railway way closes down for winter but to my advantage, there is in fact a beautiful scenic trip.  It runs mid-November through the beginning of May.  Tickets range from $84 – $179 depending on the class you choose.  

Coming in at the top is Presidential Class, then First Class, Deluxe Class, and then Standard Class.  The Presidential Class offers adult beverages and table-style seating.  I opted for Deluxe because of the school bus-style seating.  I thought that sounded a bit more comfortable and I am a bit on the introverted side so I decided on the option with the least amount of social interaction!

After parking in a prepaid parking lot ($10) you have to make about a 2-minute walk around the block to the actual train station – the actual train station, not the Yellowstone version! As I walked up, there was a gentleman in full Engineer style clothing from decades ago. He looked impeccable!  He set the tone with amazing nostalgia and greeted me with the biggest smile and sent me in the right direction.  

There was a brakeman in overalls who helped me navigate to my seat and let me know about all the different car options.  There was an open car that had no windows that allowed for insane viewing once the train was going.  There was also a concession car that had snacks and drinks and at the rear of every car was a bathroom on each side.  

When I tell you that the whole ambiance was just something else, I mean it.  I knew I was in for something special when I saw everyone in costume and character.  Once everyone boarded the Conductor came through and gave all the information, much like a plane departure.  The whole staff was very professional and engaged with everyone.  

The train left at 9:15 am, cruising through much of Durango.  It was especially cool when so many people were taking pictures and waving as the train went through town.  I felt like I was on something important for sure! I knew the views were going to be beautiful but I had no idea what I was in for.  

This particular train travels 26 miles each way to a stopping point for lunch, Cascade Canyon.  The whole trip is about 5 hours and 15 minutes and lunch is an hour’s stop.  You can order off the concession car or you can pre-order a box lunch when you purchase your ticket, which is what I did.  The stop at Cascade Canyon has a gazebo area with picnic tables and a huge, cozy fire pit going for everyone to warm up.  

There were two choices on the menu for a boxed lunch, a chicken salad sandwich or a vegan beet sandwich.  I opted for the vegan sandwich just to try something different and I am so glad I did.  It was the best sandwich I have ever had.  I didn’t think I liked beets but this was covered in arugula and pecans and a cranberry sauce.  It was heaven.  It came with chips, an orange, some fancy-packaged cookies, and a drink.  Zero disappointment on the lunch.  Everyone was complimented on both the beet and the chicken salad! 

Now, for the ride itself, HOLY COW.  The pictures do not do it justice.  You ride along the Animas River and see the mountains and the canyons.  It was snowing heavily and the river had ice in many parts which made for a real winter wonderland.  There were handfuls of frozen waterfalls and at some points, the mountains were just inches from the train.  The wildlife that our car encountered were dozens of elk, rabbits, and one bald eagle! 

On the way up I had a cup of coffee to stay warm that was quite yummy and on the way back, I had the best cup of apple cider in my life! The car held its temperature well and the seats were very comfortable. Everyone was dressed warmly and in layers and I highly recommend that.  A picture crew came through and took pictures that were available for purchase at the end of the trip.  

We had an hour for lunch and due to the snow, many didn’t get off the train.  I did briefly because I wanted to check out the amazing fire.  A very friendly lady from Lake Charles, LA not only got off the train for lunch but also graced us with her snow angel-making abilities.  The company consisted of a few locals, some from Texas, Louisiana, and New Mexico.  The conversations were warm and caring as we all knew we were experiencing something very special together.  

Don’t forget there is also a train station for your pre and post-trip souvenir and snack & drink needs.  I cannot recommend this ride enough.  I will be doing a summer trip as well to see things as they green up.  My only regret is that I waited so long to take this trip.  Don’t walk, run to get your tickets for the Cascade Canyon Winter Train!

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