“I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky.” I am assuming most everyone remembers that statement given by then President, Bill Clinton at a White House event with First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton at his side, on January 26, 1998. The next day, on The TODAY Show, Hillary Clinton dismissed the allegations as a “vast right-wing conspiracy that has been conspiring against my husband since the day he announced [his run] for president.”

Let’s Talk about Bill Clinton, who was our president from 1993-2001. In November of 1995, while in office, Clinton began a lengthy affair entailing close to a dozen encounters with Monica Lewinski, a 21-year-old, unpaid intern working at the White House. Wow, it’s just crazy how those “right-wing conspiracies” just keep coming true.

Bill Clinton, one of many career politicians, was the 2nd US President to be impeached, and the 1st sitting President to ever testify before a grand jury in an investigation into their conduct. I will not get into the details of the 1994 sexual harassment claims of Paula Jones. You can look her up if you have not heard about her and her $850K payout. Although her claims were brought up during the Clinton presidential term, the allegations were from 1991.

But that’s not where it ends for Bill Clinton’s accusers: Juanita Broaddrick is an ex-Clinton volunteer and former nursing home administrator who alleged Clinton sexually assaulted her in 1978 when he was the Attorney General of Arkansas; In 2016, Leslie Millwee alleged that when Clinton was governor of Arkansas he sexually assaulted her on three separate occasions when he was the governor of Arkansas in 1980; Cristy Zercher, a former flight attendant, claimed that Bill Clinton groped her on a 1992 campaign flight; Kathleen Willey, a campaigner for and donor to Clinton’s in 1992 presidential campaign, who told 60 Minutes that Clinton groped her in the Oval Office in 1993. Other accusations include University of Oxford peer Eileen Wellstone in 1969, campaign staffer Sandra Allen James in 1991, and a former professor from the University of Arkansas who claimed Clinton groped a female student in his office while he was a professor.  

I did not know who Bill Clinton was before he became president. I did not vote for him and was not even old enough to do so at the time. Looking back though, I cannot imagine how much time, effort, and distraction it was for a president to not only go through an affair with an intern while on our taxpayer dollar but to also be worried about being impeached for lying under oath, obstruction of justice, witness-tampering, abuse of power and so on. I guess it was second nature for Clinton given all his past encounters with women during his political career.   

Can you imagine the self-inflicted stress? Our Commander in Chief was not only supposed to be looking after our country but had decided to get his pencil wet in whatever fashion that included, with a 21-year-old intern, in OUR White House. Come on! Every President has stress and mistakes and obviously a lot on their plate, but this guy decided to add to it. The nerve!

Our current President, Joe Biden… Is he without any scandal? Hardly. Biden has been accused of sexual misconduct and inappropriate touching by at least eight women.

Alexandra Tara Reade, a former aide in Biden’s Senate office in the early 1990s, claimed Biden sexually assaulted her in 1993 when she worked as an aide in his Senate office. The others included Lucy Flores, Amy Lappos, D.J. Hill, Caitlyn Caruso, Ally Coll, Sofie Karasek, and Vail Kohnert-Yount.

Now, we have Donald Trump, running for the presidency again and hush money issues decide to show their ugly head. Did the former president have an affair with Stormy Daniels? How about Karen McDougal? There was money paid out to these ladies by former Trump Lawyer, Michael Cohen. It was claimed that Trump directed him to do so. Guess what? I do not care. These alleged relationships, flings, or encounters happened in the early 2000s, long before Trump was thinking of running for president.  

The man did not take a salary. He took the position to help fix our nation. The Demon-crats have come after him from day one. Wasting money, time, and resources because they fear him. Raiding Mar-a-Lago was yet another waste of time and money. Who cares!! Who freaking cares. Why don’t we talk about Hunter Biden’s laptop and his father’s bed-sharing with other countries?  Can we talk about that and things that will actually affect our country?  

I do not know if anyone is seeing the difference here, but Bill Clinton chose to engage in things WHILE being in the White House. Joe Biden has some very shady, CURRENT relationships with people and countries that could put us in jeopardy along with all the allegations he has had from different women while in political office. Bill Clinton and Joe Biden have been in politics much of their life. Trump possibly had some extramarital affairs way before he even thought of entering politics and may or may not have paid them off. WHO THE HELL CARES? This is not the stuff that affects our current state of affairs as a country unless we are just grasping for straws to keep the man from being elected in 2024. However, this one may bite you in the ass Democrats. Elon Musk is on to something.  

Arrest Trump and see a landslide victory!  

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