What is the push with the trans agenda?

It’s not anything resembling accepting somebody who is different, but a full jolt into a world of confusion and chaos. People can come at me for that, but I don’t care. I just read an article from June of 2022, in the NY Times labeled, “Report Reveals Sharp Rise in Transgender Young People in the U.S.”. Wow, what a shock, that the trans community is growing when schools, the government, and society push the narrative.

In this article, they talk about how they expect to see the young transgender population rise in the coming years. They give analytical figures that an estimated 1.4 % of 13 to 17-year-olds and 1.3 % of 18 to 24-year-olds were transgender, compared with 0.5 % of all adults. The surveys they conducted were in the years 2017 to 2020. The article explains that young people have more ability to speak about transgender acceptance and more social acceptance whereas older people feel more restrained.

You don’t say!

Could it be because we live in a world where schools are giving children an opportunity to identify as anything they would like to with no limits and no direction or a moral compass? Schools making it clear that how children identify will never be made aware to the parent has nothing to do with it either, I am sure. Please note my sarcastic tone. If you have young, impressionable minds and you ask them how they would like to identify, what name they would like to go by, what animal they feel like, and if they feel like a boy or a girl today, you must expect nothing but chaos. I know not every school allows this and I know there are still exceptionally good teachers out there and to those, I applaud you.

However, these ideologies are in fact being pushed in blue areas. For example, I live in a very democratic state. I found it quite disturbing that New Mexico, where I reside, has the second-highest transgender population according to the article I read from the NY Times. New York was number one. New Mexico’s population is just over 2 million and we came in second, with New York coming in first with a population of 8 and a half million people. Does this say something about our democratic leaders? I would say so!

Something else I found in this article that made me irate is the fact that they blatantly say, “There is no one who knows how many trans people or how many gay people or bisexual people died of suicide this past year.” They mention that knowing young L.G.B.T.Q. people had high rates of mental health issues and suicidal thoughts but then go on to say, “That data does not exist because it is not collected by the government in death records. It’s something we are trying to change.

Wait a Minute

Are you telling me the government can take the time to collect the number of young trans people in the country, change school curriculum to incorporate transgender awareness, help kids identify as whatever they feel like being a certain day, and even help them on transitioning into a different gender with puberty blockers – all without parental consent, but our government can not get information on how many young people who died from suicide were transgender? What kind of circus have we got going on?

If you care about your children and want them to be productive members of society, would you not want them to be at school learning reading and writing? You know, the things that help them get and keep a job? Or do you want them to be learning about things that confuse them and distort reality? Biology, real biology says there is male and there is female. Biology is now being colluded by our government though, not even being able to describe what a woman is and trying to convince us that a man can bear a child. Give me a freaking break people. Has everyone gone mad?

How about we just not sexualize children at all and let them keep an innocent mind for the brief time that they even have in this insane world we have created? My mother was a teacher for 20 years and talked about how teachers did not even have enough time to teach the basics with all the testing requirements. Now we are throwing a whole new subject matter in and expecting children to succeed in life when we cannot even describe a man or woman anymore.

I know I sound like a horrible, trans-hating human but it is just that I care about our children more than I care about pushing a ridiculous agenda. I care about the long-term effects that transgender lifestyles create. Yes, there are MANY people out there trying to speak out about their regrets and struggles of how transitioning ruined their life. We do not hear those stories in the mainstream media. We do not hear about the confusion, mental illness, and struggles that this lifestyle can create. Especially when pushed at such an early age.

No More Secrets: The Candy Cavern

It’s Time for Society to Have a Reality Check

Please do not misunderstand me. This is not a hate session on this lifestyle. It is a hate session for trying to confuse our youth even more than they already are. I cannot believe that we live in a world where we brag about exposing young children to drag shows and marches and where vulgar language and images are everywhere. I cannot believe that we are trying to incorporate porn education when porn is proven to be just as addictive as drugs if not more.

Society is so busy congratulating itself for ‘enlightening’ kids, that it’s completely missing the fact we’re eroding their innocence, compromising how they process emotions, and exposing them to potentially damaging content. I cannot believe that the long-term effects are just being ignored and brushed aside. I am begging parents to wake up and stand against this type of insanity and child abuse. It’s our responsibility as parents and as adults to protect innocence at any cost!

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  1. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/06/10/science/transgender-teenagers-national-survey.html